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Showing posts from December, 2011

difference between ‘meditation’ and dhyan?

"The difference between meditation and dhyan is that between shoonya (this is not to be confused with shoonyata, here it refers literally to zero) and poorna . Dhyan is state of complete awareness-inside and outside- it is a Poorna state, whereas meditation is a big zero. In meditation what a person does is he/she thinks of a certain thing and therefore it is basically no better than day dreaming, where as in dhyan you are aware of everything .Swami Satyananand Paramhans (Bihar School of Yog) described meditation as a ‘moodh ’ state or a lower state. Now a days, the subject of yog and tantra have been totally misrepresented. I was watching a programme on a ‘spiritual’ channel and there I saw a very elderly woman sharing her thoughts on ‘spirituality’. So I thought let me listen into what she has to say. After her discourse she made the viewers do dhyan and sat herself in dhyan as well. When it was over, she came out with some sort of jerk in her body. Anybody who knows the st...

what is moksha

What is moksha? "Moksha is simply a state above your present state. For a dog becoming a cow is moksha and for a cow graduating to a human is moksha. Similarly, for a labourer becoming a supervisor is moksha, for a supervisor becoming a manager is moksha, for a manager attaining the position of a general-manager is moksha, for a general- manager the chair of a CEO is moksha and for a CEO becoming a Yogi is moksha. All these are attainable in one lifetime only, if you are sthir inside. Whatever your current state is, rising above that is moksha for you. Moksha does not refer just to the state of leaving everything and uniting with self - as at this level of evolution it is impractical for you to think about that. Here I am talking about people in general and not about exceptions. For a common man, rising above his/her current state is Moksha. In short, vairagya is Moksha and Moksha is vairagya. This implies you keep climbing up the steps one-by-one but this upward progression dep...

Guru Shishya Parampara

When a guru accepts somebody as a shishya he takes complete responsibility of his or her. Then the shishya is monitored by the Guru not daily, not hourly, but every moment… the Guru literally carries the shishya on this path. As no two fingerprints are the same, as no two genetic codes are the same, so are no two beings the same. Understanding and realising this fact the rishis of the Vedic era propagated the Guru-shishiya-parampara, or the one-to-one relationship of the shishya with the Guru. And this is what is followed at Dhyan Foundation, under the guiding light of the Guru, Yogi Ashwini. In the Rudryamala it is said, ‘The fool who commences japa and tapas by reading books instead of receiving instructions from the Guru acquires nothing but sin; no one can save him. The Guru alone can, in a single moment, destroy the mass of his sins….’ " In Yogini Tantra it is said, “It is be...

We understand things depending on our evolution

How many of you understood this?A person X would see only this physical body where as a doctor would see the state of health of different organs inside this physical body like heart, liver, lungs etc.Similarly a being with a little more gyan will neither look at the body nor the organs, he will see the energy running in an individual’s body and looking at this energy or prana he will decide the capacity of an individual and not on the basis of the way he dresses or looks. A being of still higher dimension will not be concerned even about the energy, he will just give to whoever comes to him and go forward on his path and think nothing beyond this. A being higher than this level, just remembering that being, whatever you want will come to you, without even going to him. After this level comes the path of Moksha (which even if I describe you wont understand). These are dimensions of a being, the stages he goes through when on the path of yog. Another example to illustrate this point wo...

spiritual Vs material

Often we see life as a dichotomy - either "material" or "spiritual" and consider these as mutually exclusive... thinking these two to be isolated paths where a being has to choose only one. This is one of the fundamental errors that we make, because the fact is that we are here to experience- experience what we had desired. The so called "spiritual path" or the path of Yog in reality is an all inclusive journey... but this journey begins  only and onl y when one finds ones Guru and finding a true Guru is  possible   even in the commercial times that we are in today. On the path of  yog desires are not suppressed, rather one experiences whatever one desired and goes beyond,  holding the hand of  ones Guru.   “ It’s a wrong perception to think that the spiritual is divorced from the material.  It is only your level of spiritual evolution that decides what you ask from Divine. ”-Yogi Ashwini Yoga merges the spiritual & physical- http://...

karmic balance

The entire creation may be described as having just two aspects- Prakriti (anything that can be perceived by the five senses) and Purush (soul). Today man is lost so much in the worldly pleasures that he has completely lost touch with purush(soul).When we face problems we blame it on God asking him why we deserve it but we forget whatever we receive pleasures or pains is as per our karmic balance.We always forget the basic law of karma that every action has equal an opposite reaction.When we enjoy pleasures,we have to balance it with pain an when we get pain be happy,out negative karmas are been taken care of because every pain and pleasure has a limited period.A Yogi knows this and is unaffected by problems, s/he sees it as cancelling out of negative karmas.And such gyan is only possible when you are under the sanidhya of a GURU.A GURU makes even your pain look like a pleasure for you an when you have his grace,your entire journey is blessed.


"Whatever happens with you is in accordance with the Law of Karma. Your pains and pleasures are directly proportional to your negative and positive karmas. A problem is nothing but the manifestation of the negative karmas that you have accumulated over lifetimes. A Yogi knows this and is unaffected by problems, s/he sees it as cancelling out of negative karmas. But a normal human being asks- “What did I do to deserve this?”  It is extremely simple to deal with physical problems. If you want academic success start teaching others; if you want material success make lives comfortable for the needy; if you are emotionally stressed become the emotional support for someone - whatever you desire, start giving it to others. It is this simple. But do remember physical pleasures are like sand, the harder you try to hold on to them, the faster they will slip. The science of mantra is powerful and precise and its purpose is to aid the Creation. These days people ask me for  mantra...

you can never satisfy anybody

Life-full of surprises,ups and downs,expectations and rejections but when you understand the correct meaning of life and the purpose of your birth,life becomes very clear.Every relation we make in our lives has some give and take from our previous lives.Be it any relation even when you try to give your hundred percent most of them are not happy, rather have complaints about the way things are been done.Even if you die for them,they would say you could have died in a better way.There is no end to human needs and wants and satisfaction is never there in any relation.To indulge endlessly in satisfying others is a futile exercise. You must do your duties to the best of your ability, each one knows his/her ability and then never look back. Your “worldly duties” will never end. Hold the hand of a GURU and find a purpose and meaning to life and walk on the right path in the right way.

selfless love

Love is a beautiful feeling and its nice to know there is always someone who wants to be there for you and give you selfless love without any expectations.When the love is selfless it always brings a lot of happiness, joy and peace which is much more than anything that money can buy.One such example of selfless love is that of a GURU.GURU does not expect anything in return but is always working for the benefit of others and creation.Sometimes out of ignorance sadhaks make huge mistakes but still GURU forgets everything and always cares for the sadhaks and helps them rise to a better level in life.YOGI ASHWINIJI is a GURU whom i have always seen working only towards the progress of mankind and for the creation without any expectations in return.He is always guiding sadhaks towards the right path and working round the clock to see there is happiness and bliss all round and getting people to know the correct vedic culture.Blessed are we sadhaks who are under your sanidhya. "OM SHRI G...

"Maya" in operation

Most of us in childhood have host of questions to ask, some of which are trivial and others seemingly trivial…Why is the sky blue? Why can birds fly and i can’t? Why does the sun rise and set every single day? On growing up due to the changing dynamics, this inquisitive nature either gets suppressed or undergoes alteration as there are “more important things” in life. Someone who has studied biology even at the most basic level would know that a human body is a highly complex ‘machine’ involving a mind boggling number of chemical reactions, electrical activities and mechanical processes occurring in coordination with each other. Isn’t it interesting that these processes are happening inside us, without us ever being aware of them. (By the way did you know that 300 million cells die in our body every minute!)Science tells us that earth is round but isn’t it weird that we never feel it to be. Air that we breathe is indispensable to our existence yet we never value it. Every sing...

Clutches Of Maya

Maya is the glue that keeps us tied to and stuck with all that is around us. We think that is all that exists; there is nothing beyond our family, our relationship, our work, our mini-world. It seems nearly impossible to think beyond this, no? Maya is the strongest tool of Lord Vishnu, who looks after the sustenance of the world. It is through the aid of maya, a balance is maintained in the physical creation, because this is what holds you or binds you with whatever is around you. In the form of attachments – bandhans you have tied yourself with. It can take any form; ego, attachments, buddhi, material or emotional gains to keep you engaged and not go beyond the physical.It is for those who take on to the path of sadhana or self-realization, that the force of Maya is strongest, because force of attraction commensurate to the evolution of a being. When a person takes on to the practices of yog, he is trying to evolve from a lower dimension to a higher one i.e., the dimension of evolved...

Lets know about ANAND VIDYALAYA.

Anand Vidyalaya, Bangalore Flying Aces! Anand Vidyalaya, Shakti Nagar, delhi has proved that sufficient focus and selfless attention can bring about results that were not even thought about. This year 5 students have done Anand Vidyalaya, Shakti Nagar proud by standing fir st in their respective classes. Other students have also surpassed the expectations and cleared the exams with flying colours! All these students were given special gift to mark this feat and a standing ovation to further boost their morale and inspire others to achieve the same. The teachers at Anand Vidyalaya make sure that every child has constant and focussed one to one interaction with them. Seriously Studying Another achievement for Anand Vidyalaya, Gurgaon. 11 of our students have cleared admission tests for academic year 2012-2013 and will now attend various private school in gurgaon. Their schooling and all expenses related to it are being sponsored by Dhyan Yog Society. HR Department o...

What is Dharma?

Dharma  is not religion. It is the lifeline that keeps Creation going. For a lay person,  dharma  is the code of nature, that which sustains Creation, something which is inherent in every microcosm and is thus instinctive to human existence; but that whose awareness we are losing on account of ignorance. Suppose we observe the things around us, say a tree... Green leaves, branches spreading far and wide, fruits and flowers, a tall thick trunk and roots that run deep into the ground -- that's what we would expect to see. Now, if one were to imagine a tree devoid of these attributes, would it still be called a tree? Why doesn't a tree (even in our imagination) exist without these attributes? This is because each of these individual traits is indispensable for the tree to perform its  dharma . A tree withstands the vagaries of nature – storms, downpours and floods – to protect the flora, fauna and soil. A tree provides for those around it – animals, birds an...

In yog you dont need to leave anything.

Yog or yoga is more than asanas and jumping around like monkeys.Yog is a very powerful science which can only be achieved under the guidance of a GURU.Yog means merger,merger of you with your GURU. Atmasakshatkar or self realisation is the meaning of yog.Only a GURU knows our capabilities and takes us forward as he  knows our strengths and weaknesses.Its a wrong conception that when we are in yog,we need to leave things or follow a specific diet.Yoga does not follow any diet or ritual.You can eat anything,drink anything,go out,have fun....coz as you progress on the path of yog anything which is heavy for you will automatically leave you.You are never forced to leave anything infact on the contrary on the path of yog you enjoy everything and rise above it after experiencing it under Guru sanidhya. But for that it is important to follow the agya of GURU and follow on the path of yog with niyam as every word of GURU is a mantra for a shishya . "Mantra Moolam Guru Vaky...


"Yoga"- this four letter word has become a very popular term in recent times and everyone seems to think that they know what it is. This is because of the extensive commercialization of the subject. infact, so much so that it has become a multi-crore business- with all kinds of "products" available in the market and all 'forms' of yoga and some of the recent "innovations" like Hot yoga, Power yoga are amusing,to say the least. (a simple google search will be enlightening here!) But do you really know what yoga is ? Even those who know its literal meaning that is "union" seem to not give it any further consideration. Majority think of yoga as -"doing some asans and breathing exercises to keep your body fit and mind relaxed" Yog (or Yog'a') is in reality the ultimate science- science of the self. It is by Yog that you discover who you really are. Mind you this is no philosophy, it is THE most practical subject. It...

learning from mistakes

We are all bound to make mistakes and a sensible person is one who has the courage to admit his/her mistake,take complete responsibility and see that the mistake is never repeated again.When we are on the path of yog,every word that GURU says becomes a mantra for us.But most of us according to our capacity of thinking and capability,judge the words in our own terms ,try to interpret a new meaning ,go wrong and then learn a very valuable lesson in life.It becomes very important when we hold the hand of a GURU,either we trust him completely or we dont and when we do then we should never let him down.Under the guidance of a GURU also we make mistakes by not listening to him because of our ego and our limited thinking capacity forgetting that a GURU would never do anything for his selfish needs but only for our benefit.A sensible person would be the one who would learn from the mistakes an follow the words of the GURU with complete faith and confidence.


FACT OF NATURE LEARNING FOR US ·         Everything in nature is in cycles - nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, water cycle, day and night cycle, cycle of seasons and so on. Infact the life processes and bio-chemical reactions inside any organism too are cyclic in nature- circulatory system, cell cycle, etc water cycle ·         Purest of water stagnates if held in one place for a long time. ·         Everything in nature exists in layers. .Eg Earth has layers to it(Crust, Mantle and core), Atmosphere too (Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere ,Exosphere), Even a single fruit has layers to it- Exocarp,Endocarp,Mesocarp,Seed coat, Endosperm,Embryo) layers of a fruit ·         The smallest of things in the creation have a purpose- be it a tree, spider, lizard or a small ant and each...

Beauty lies within you

Most of us spend our time either making ourselves look beautiful or getting things that make us look good. But does it really help?  Even a person who has been pampering herself/himself from his/her early age, will too eventually look old after a period of time. So then what is beauty? Beauty is not just the outer appearance but the inner self. Beautiful is the one whose thoughts are divine and the one who helps others selflessly. Infact, outside is only a reflection of the inside. When a person glows from inside, the outer glow and attraction comes automatically.Thoughts play a major role in making the person what s/he is- as what you think you eventually become as the energy follows thoughts   The secret of beauty and glow does not lie in beauty parlours, but within you. To preserve the life force in you and to look beautiful start with 'sanatan kriya.'

Work to make yourself worthy...

‎Asteya is non-stealing, in thought or deeds. Trying to possess something that is not yours, be it material or something that is non-material like taking credit for work that was done by somebody else, is also stealing. The Gita says that men get what they deserve as per their karma. When you see something with someone, which is something you pine for, be it a person or something material, do not try to steal it and neither try to take it by force. But look into yourself and ask yourself what kind of positive karmas would make you deserve that. Do those positive acts and make yourself worthy of that physical pleasure. The Divine would definitely bestow you with that if you deserve it.  So work to make yourself worthy. (An extract from the book "Sanatan Kriya-Essence of Yoga" by Yogi Ashwini)

Watch your thought.

Close your eyes.Sit in silence and see what happens.When you sit in silence with yourself for sometime,you would see a number of thoughts coming in your mind and if you observe youl find that these thoughts do not come from within you.They are already there in the surroundings, every thought that we get has already been created so the thoughts are merely "caught" by us. We do not create any new thoughts. Thoughts are very powerful. Thoughts are so powerful that if not taken care of can damage the environment too and in a big way. Nuclear bomb was just a thought in the beginning and see its impact today.Its very important to ensure the purity of  thought and see that most of our thoughts are for the benefit of the people..A GURU ensures that most of the thoughts have a positive effect and are helpful for the creation when you hold his hand. Lets all understand the importance of thoughts and make the best use of this tool to aid the positive forces of the creation...

Service and Charity

How many of us know the real meaning of service and charity? A human being of today, is a selfish being who is more interested in himself than others.We forget that most of our problems arise because of this nature of ours.The day we start thinking about others before ourselves,we would all be free of most of our problems. Its always a great feeling to help others and be of some help when they need you. Its always been said whatever you give always comes back to you.If you do charity in terms of money,there would never be any money problems for that person.If its been done with food,that person shall never be devoid of food and when the charity is done in the form of gyan,gyan always flows to that person.And this gyan is never understood unless you are under the sanidhya of a GURU.A GURU would always guide you on the right path and by the way of service and charity would help you improve your karmas which help you in your journey of life. The concept of service and charity is the most ...