Asteya is non-stealing, in thought or deeds. Trying to possess something that is not yours, be it material or something that is non-material like taking credit for work that was done by somebody else, is also stealing. The Gita says that men get what they deserve as per their karma. When you see something with someone, which is something you pine for, be it a person or something material, do not try to steal it and neither try to take it by force. But look into yourself and ask yourself what kind of positive karmas would make you deserve that. Do those positive acts and make yourself worthy of that physical pleasure. The Divine would definitely bestow you with that if you deserve it.
So work to make yourself worthy.
(An extract from the book "Sanatan Kriya-Essence of Yoga" by Yogi Ashwini)
So work to make yourself worthy.
(An extract from the book "Sanatan Kriya-Essence of Yoga" by Yogi Ashwini)
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