Maya is the glue that keeps us tied to and stuck with all that is around us. We think that is all that exists; there is nothing beyond our family, our relationship, our work, our mini-world. It seems nearly impossible to think beyond this, no? Maya is the strongest tool of Lord Vishnu, who looks after the sustenance of the world. It is through the aid of maya, a balance is maintained in the physical creation, because this is what holds you or binds you with whatever is around you. In the form of attachments – bandhans you have tied yourself with. It can take any form; ego, attachments, buddhi, material or emotional gains to keep you engaged and not go beyond the physical.It is for those who take on to the path of sadhana or self-realization, that the force of Maya is strongest, because force of attraction commensurate to the evolution of a being. When a person takes on to the practices of yog, he is trying to evolve from a lower dimension to a higher one i.e., the dimension of evolved beings. To understand this concept better let us take an example. If a monkey joins your work place and starts working better than you, you will first try to scare it away, but if it does not move then you offer a bribe like a banana to entice the monkey away.That is where your Guru comes in. The Guru knows what your inner desires are and where your chances of getting stuck are. It is next to impossible, until you hold the hand of your Guru to free yourselves from the clutches of maya.
"The difference between meditation and dhyan is that between shoonya (this is not to be confused with shoonyata, here it refers literally to zero) and poorna . Dhyan is state of complete awareness-inside and outside- it is a Poorna state, whereas meditation is a big zero. In meditation what a person does is he/she thinks of a certain thing and therefore it is basically no better than day dreaming, where as in dhyan you are aware of everything .Swami Satyananand Paramhans (Bihar School of Yog) described meditation as a ‘moodh ’ state or a lower state. Now a days, the subject of yog and tantra have been totally misrepresented. I was watching a programme on a ‘spiritual’ channel and there I saw a very elderly woman sharing her thoughts on ‘spirituality’. So I thought let me listen into what she has to say. After her discourse she made the viewers do dhyan and sat herself in dhyan as well. When it was over, she came out with some sort of jerk in her body. Anybody who knows the st...
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