"Yoga"- this four letter word has become a very popular term in recent times and everyone seems to think that they know what it is. This is because of the extensive commercialization of the subject. infact, so much so that it has become a multi-crore business- with all kinds of "products" available in the market and all 'forms' of yoga and some of the recent "innovations" like Hot yoga, Power yoga are amusing,to say the least. (a simple google search will be enlightening here!)
But do you really know what yoga is ? Even those who know its literal meaning that is "union" seem to not give it any further consideration. Majority think of yoga as -"doing some asans and breathing exercises to keep your body fit and mind relaxed" Yog (or Yog'a') is in reality the ultimate science- science of the self. It is by Yog that you discover who you really are. Mind you this is no philosophy, it is THE most practical subject. Its like you are conducting an experiment- one first follows a procedure (given to you by your Guru-this again is a highly misunderstood concept) and then one gets the gyan by ones experiences (not intellectual knowledge but gyan). Yoga is the ultimate science and to "study" this science the pre-requisite is -you need a Guru.
"Though the purpose of yog is atmasakshatkar or self-realisation, there are various by-products as you move up the ladder towards realising yourself or to say being in yog. Here you embrace the inner and outer realities for a perfect harmonious balance, the important point is that you do not intellectually understand the inner and outer realities but experience them. Yog is an experience and not a subject of the intellect. Yog works on all aspects of a person; physical, vital, mental, financial, emotional, psychic, and spiritual. Only when all the aspects are in a state of balance does a being experience liberation, perfect harmony. "-Yogi Ashwini
PS- There is just one way to understand what the science of Yog is and that is to experience it under Guru sanidhya.
Yoga Demystified With Yogi Ashwini- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oIjTYzEfZs&list=LLgcfS4U5hYmFV8rmUl10oyw&index=4&feature=plpp_video
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