· Everything in nature is in cycles - nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, water cycle, day and night cycle, cycle of seasons and so on. Infact the life processes and bio-chemical reactions inside any organism too are cyclic in nature- circulatory system, cell cycle, etc
· Purest of water stagnates if held in one place for a long time. · Everything in nature exists in layers. .Eg Earth has layers to it(Crust, Mantle and core), Atmosphere too (Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere ,Exosphere), Even a single fruit has layers to it- Exocarp,Endocarp,Mesocarp,Seed coat, Endosperm,Embryo)
· The smallest of things in the creation have a purpose- be it a tree, spider, lizard or a small ant and each of them have their roles defined. Loss of any one creates an imbalance (eg in the food chains and food webs) · Sun does its job selflessly, day in and day out yet never asks for any kind of remuneration. That is why it has such glow and radiance. Sunlight is the source of our food (photosynthesis) and it sustains life on our planet.] · Every morning we see that a single ray of sunlight dispels all the darkness that existed prior to it. · Water when heated transforms to its purest state which is formless - vapour | This reminds us that there is neither a beginning nor an end to anything, including human life, it is a continuous cyclic process with only “apparent” births and deaths. Also what you give to others you will surely get it back some day -this is the Law of karma-Whatever you give to others (be it food, clothing, money, happiness), divine will give you the same manifold. (what is charity? http://www.dhyanfoundation.com/what-is-charity.php Anything that one hoards, be it money, a relationship,etc) will stagnate. So never hoard, let it flow. A human being too has layers- in the physical body [skin (epidermis,dermis,hypodermis),muscle layer, bone, bone marrow] as well as the etheric layers- Pranamaya kosha (layer of colours visible to a clairvoyant), Manomaya, Vigyanmaya and Anandmaya kosha. (these subtler layers become accessible to a Yogi) [clairvoyance proved at Indian Medical Associaion- http://www.dhyanfoundation.com/dhyan-foundation-ima-certification.php ] Life of a human being too has a purpose- realising what you truly are or in other words YOG-union with your own self and the role assigned to us is to do our Dharma. Dharma is not religion. It is the dharma of every one of us to protect those who are weaker; to feed all persons, animals and plants in the vicinity; to provide clothing and shelter to those in need and give according to each one's capacity. We need to protect, conserve and nurture the environment, avoid pollution, and foster holistic growth and abundance. It is our dharma to develop strength of character such that we are able to deal with injustice and exploitation…..follow the link to know more- A being who helps others selflessly, rather whoever comes to him takes something back, too has that glow, radiance and magnetism- for instance, a Yogi. Ones Guru is that ray of light who dispels all ignorance (darkness)… infact the term “Guru” literally means from darkness to light…. A Guru makes one experience what one truly. |
~Om shri guruvaye namah om~
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