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Showing posts from November, 2011

How important is niyam?

Niyam or discipline makes a person always progress in life.Any person who does his work in a disciplined manner always makes the best use of time and moves forward in life.Niyam as it is called in yog is very important for a sadhak to progress.Yog is a subject of topmost priority and it comes second to none.Any person who wants to progress on the path of yog should always follow the niyams set by his/her GURU and not judge them by their limited buddhi.We should never break any niyam given by the GURU as only the GURU knows our capacity.Our vedic culture has given a lot of importance to niyam and a person who follows it always progresses on the path of his evolution by the grace of the GURU . Always remember there is nothing as important as yog an never break your niyam for anything or else you are not fit for yog but you are meant for that state only for which you break your niyam.Find a GURU an under his sanidhya make your life worth living.

Breathe the right way

Breathing is the essence of life.No human can survive without it yet it is not given much significance. Even one second of breath lost creates a huge disturbance in the body.In today's world when there are so many people teaching so many breathing techniques,its very important to know the right way to breath.When you breath in the right way not only does your body gets into balance but also adds an extra glow on your face.In sanatan  kriya we do abdominal breathing in ujjai. Gently be aware of your navel and slowly start breathing in  ujjai, ie,   when you inhale, the stomach is pushed out and when you exhale the stomach is pulled in. Slowly and steadily keep increasing the volume and time of every cycle of the breath. Reach a point where you feel that this is your capacity of inhalation and also of exhalation i.e. you cannot take in more and neither can you take out more (full capacity). Do not try to stretch yourself beyond your limit. Try to take breath to its fu...

Shanti-- we need it the most today

Ever wondered why do we like to be in company of few and why do we stay away from others? Its simple.we always want to be in company of people who are positive,who always talk good with lots of positive energy and definetly stay away from people who would make the entire enviornment negative...These are the people who are ashant by nature and thus they make the surroundings also very negative.Its very important to think positive and do good to all the people we can..sometimes by just thinking good for others gives us so much of shanti that we feel happy from inside.The problem with most of us today is we all have become selfish and self centred. Everyone of us is interested only in ones own problems, own interests and in our personal needs. But we do not realise that unless the surroundings we are in and the people around us are not happy and shant,we cannot be in peace.We need to help people around us selflessly and thus inturn we are blessed with lots of peace and happiness and ...

The REAL you

Everyone says i am perfect,everybody says i am unique and strong and there is nothing that I cannot do or achieve.Then why are we unhappy?Why do we fall when we encounter a crisis and  why are we not able to solve it?Is this world the reality or are we living in illusion?Even if a girl is good looking, she wants to look better. A person who has lots of money is always unhappy comparing himself to other people.Lets get practical and real and learn that this world that we live is only reel as the real world lies inside us..The entire creation and the gods and the goddess which represent the various energies of this creation also lie within us.The day we understand what we are,we would be free from all sorrows and lead a peaceful and detached life.The life within is the only reality but this real you cannot be found by reading books or listening to discourses...You can find and know yourself when you hold the hand of a GURU.Under the guidance of a GURU,the entire creation is revealed ...

lets know chakras

A human being is a combination of various physical an etheric layers.In the etheric layers are a set of energy centers called chakras,the whirling pool of concentrated energy.each and every cell has a chakra associated to it.They throw out used prana when they move outwards an pull in fresh prana when they move inwards.There are 7 major chakras. Mooladhar,the first chakra from bottom controls the basic instincts like food,shelter,desire an survival.The colour has been observed from dark brown to golden brown.Swadhishtan is the next chakra which controls the sexual desires at lower level.Its colour is observed as dark orange to whitish orange.The next chakra at the navel is Manipoorak whose quality is power.The colour associated is mustardish brown to saffron.The next chakra called Anahat chakra is the seat of human love.It represents kindness and selfless love and is observed as violet and whitish pink.The next chakra Vishuddhi around the throat pit is the seat of higher creativity, ...

Lets learn from the sun

SUN-ever wondered what gives it that magnificent glow, magnetism and attraction? What would it possibly have, that everything revolves around it?and every single day we see the same ageless sun shining in all its glory.Sun is the highest form of energy in our solar system. This is the energy which is used by plants and stored as food.We humans often take the sun's energy for granted, yet it rises every single morning, lighting up so many lives.It  does its responsibility effectively and tirelessly, yet does not ask anything in return. We humans,on the on the other hand, have become so selfish that even before we do a small action, we first look at the "returns" we would get and see to it that we make the most of it. A true Yogi too is like a Sun, whose only motive in life is to benefit the people and work for evolution and creation and thus he exudes the same magnificent radiance.We all must learn from the sun- how to lead a selfless life- where you live to give and expec...