A human being is a combination of various physical an etheric layers.In the etheric layers are a set of energy centers called chakras,the whirling pool of concentrated energy.each and every cell has a chakra associated to it.They throw out used prana when they move outwards an pull in fresh prana when they move inwards.There are 7 major chakras.
Mooladhar,the first chakra from bottom controls the basic instincts like food,shelter,desire an survival.The colour has been observed from dark brown to golden brown.Swadhishtan is the next chakra which controls the sexual desires at lower level.Its colour is observed as dark orange to whitish orange.The next chakra at the navel is Manipoorak whose quality is power.The colour associated is mustardish brown to saffron.The next chakra called Anahat chakra is the seat of human love.It represents kindness and selfless love and is observed as violet and whitish pink.The next chakra Vishuddhi around the throat pit is the seat of higher creativity, seen dominant in artists, dancers, musicions, poets, etc.The colour observed is whitish voilet.Ajna chakra,the next chakra.Its seen at the point between our two eyes. Its visible only in rare people in electric blue colour.Evoution through these chakras leads to attainment of a higher form which happens at Sahastra chakra,the thousand petal otus which is seen over the head.It is the gateway to next higher loka. All these chakras are visible to a clairvoyant and they can be understood under the guidance of a GURU.
Clairvoyance proved at Indian Medical Association- http://www.dhyanfoundation.com/dhyan-foundation-ima-certification.php
Clairvoyance proved at Indian Medical Association- http://www.dhyanfoundation.com/dhyan-foundation-ima-certification.php
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