Ever wondered why do we like to be in company of few and why do we stay away from others? Its simple.we always want to be in company of people who are positive,who always talk good with lots of positive energy and definetly stay away from people who would make the entire enviornment negative...These are the people who are ashant by nature and thus they make the surroundings also very negative.Its very important to think positive and do good to all the people we can..sometimes by just thinking good for others gives us so much of shanti that we feel happy from inside.The problem with most of us today is we all have become selfish and self centred. Everyone of us is interested only in ones own problems, own interests and in our personal needs. But we do not realise that unless the surroundings we are in and the people around us are not happy and shant,we cannot be in peace.We need to help people around us selflessly and thus inturn we are blessed with lots of peace and happiness and this perfect way of living can only be taught under the sanidhya of a GURU.I guess then shanti is not that difficult to achieve- just start helping who-so-ever you can and see the difference yourself. Lets all work together for a better and more peaceful world.
"The difference between meditation and dhyan is that between shoonya (this is not to be confused with shoonyata, here it refers literally to zero) and poorna . Dhyan is state of complete awareness-inside and outside- it is a Poorna state, whereas meditation is a big zero. In meditation what a person does is he/she thinks of a certain thing and therefore it is basically no better than day dreaming, where as in dhyan you are aware of everything .Swami Satyananand Paramhans (Bihar School of Yog) described meditation as a ‘moodh ’ state or a lower state. Now a days, the subject of yog and tantra have been totally misrepresented. I was watching a programme on a ‘spiritual’ channel and there I saw a very elderly woman sharing her thoughts on ‘spirituality’. So I thought let me listen into what she has to say. After her discourse she made the viewers do dhyan and sat herself in dhyan as well. When it was over, she came out with some sort of jerk in her body. Anybody who knows the st...
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