"When creation began, it was marked as the Satyug. In Satyug, Yoga primarily was gyan (not knowledge). We differentiate knowledge from gyan – while knowledge is limited to the physical brain and the 5 senses, gyan is embedded in the deepest core of the physical and etheric self. To prove this fact, I would like to quote an interesting case study. Mr. William Sheridan from New York went for a heart transplant. Before the surgery he was an ordinary office-goer, but post the surgery he suddenly started to sketch and paint. He himself was taken by surprise and when research was done, it was found that the heart that was given to him belonged to an artist http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ health/article-381589/ The-art-transplant.html This proves that consciousness is present in each and every cell of the body and in all layers of cell. [Cell is not a modern-day concept. Rishi Atreya gave the concept of anu and paramanu many millennia ago in the Sankhya philosophy. He described ...