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“I am more than just a physical being”

Life becomes simpler and easier when you find a path to self discovery. For actor, Nikita Anand this path is the Sanatan Kriya that she has been following for quite some time and believes that it is one of the best things that has happened to her
Actor and former Miss India, Nikita Anand is a content soul; much happier and calmer today. This is how she likes to define herself and this now active follower of Sanatan Kriya and Yog attributes all her success to her guru, Yogi Ashwini.
She is here in Goa to promote Yogi Ashwini’s book on anti-ageing titled, ‘Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension.’
Nikita has been religiously following Sanatan Kriya for the last six years and it all started for her when she realised that by working out in a gym she was actually stressing her body.
“There was a time when I used to work out every day and run 5 to 6 kilometres. But then I started developing lower back problems. That’s when I realised that I am not doing any good to myself and started doing asanas instead,” says Nikita sitting in the correct asana posture.
Now she considers herself healthy and is thinking beyond her body. When asked about the size zero which is being endorsed by some actors vis-à-vis some actors vouching for plump body, she adds, “I think one should able to think about oneself beyond their body. They are only thinking about their physical body and size zero or whatever is just a fed” opines Nikita who does not consider herself to be part of any race.
Nikita who practices Sanatan Kriya everyday claims that it is not like doing any asanas or some physical activity. It is more like meditation where you go on internalizing. She also endorsed of having a guide or a guru who can show you the path of achieving your inner strength. “It is very important to have a guru. It is all about connecting with your guru and there can’t be a flow of energy without a guru. There is much more to us than just a physical being. Like before I was not aware about blockage I am creating to my ‘prana’ and removing it with ‘Chakra Santulan’ or balancing the chakras of my body” explains Nikita.
She however didn’t elaborate about diet plans as she considers it that it all depends on individual to individual. “I eat what I like and do not like to starve myself” adds Nikita who recently turned vegetarian.
Yogi Ashwini on this point maintained that there is a tailor made diet plan for Nikita. “There are rasayanas and supplements which are individual based” states Ashwini.
Elaborating further about the point of ageing, Nikita maintained that our lifestyle is mainly responsible for it. “Nowadays we find most of the youth who are just 25 or so having grey hair. We are exposed to so many toxins, radiation etc. It is due to the fact that now we are moving away from nature and stressing ourselves unnecessarily. We need to conserve our energy like when we work out in a gym we lose our body fluids which you cannot replenish afterwards. So, this book gives an account of how we can work on ourselves and the Sanatan Kriya is the starting point of that” concludes Nikita.


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