who are we?are we really this body?where have we come from?do we really exist?so many questions and so many varied answers but what is the reality?where do we find our right answers.in search to find ourselves,we set out on a journey called life.some get lost,some find their way and others are still thinking to go which way.every person is an energy but what he makes of himself is what really matters.after taking so many births,when a person takes the form of a human ,it would be sensible to find the truth and not waste it.we all search for the answers and most of us find the answers from the Guru.depending on our evolution and karmas,depending on what we are searching for,we find that level of Guru.its always best to keep the aim on the highest Divinity and follow the path shown by the Guru to see who we actually are and get all the answers we are looking for.lets give some meaning to life and as Yogi Ashwini says lets not get tied by the clutches of maya .
"The difference between meditation and dhyan is that between shoonya (this is not to be confused with shoonyata, here it refers literally to zero) and poorna . Dhyan is state of complete awareness-inside and outside- it is a Poorna state, whereas meditation is a big zero. In meditation what a person does is he/she thinks of a certain thing and therefore it is basically no better than day dreaming, where as in dhyan you are aware of everything .Swami Satyananand Paramhans (Bihar School of Yog) described meditation as a ‘moodh ’ state or a lower state. Now a days, the subject of yog and tantra have been totally misrepresented. I was watching a programme on a ‘spiritual’ channel and there I saw a very elderly woman sharing her thoughts on ‘spirituality’. So I thought let me listen into what she has to say. After her discourse she made the viewers do dhyan and sat herself in dhyan as well. When it was over, she came out with some sort of jerk in her body. Anybody who knows the st...
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