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Showing posts from August, 2009


Cracking the problem called OBESITY

'Even the purest of water stagnates when made to stand,  Even the dirtiest of water becomes clean when made to flow" Observe any phenomenon innature, wherever there is collection there crops up an imbalance. OBESITY TOO IS NOTHING BUT COLLECTION. At the etheric level it is collection of suppressed emotions. At the physical level it is aggravation of kapha .  The solution hence is non-collection, letting it flow. Likewise, two of the very important purifications in Ashtang yoga in general, and the Sanatan Kriya in particular, are non-collection ( aparigraha ) and purity of thought. 

Weighty matters...

In todays times, when appearances run supreme; the worst thing to happen to a youngster is perhaps a rightward shift of the needle on the weighing scale. Instantly, one gets tensed, enters depression, develops a low self esteem. Side effects??? Food deprivation followed by binges, resultant guilt and fasting...and hence a vicious circle. Escape route? Hit the gym.  Implications...further DePression due to not being able to eat what one likes freely, having to finish those laps on the treadmill, and still no tracable results. sLuGGishness and LeThargy due no stamina in body because of improper nutrition, loss of muscle n tissue on machines and offcourse untimely secret indulgences in sweets and junk. What is a person suppose to do??? You cannot just sit on it and iGnore, Can you??