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Time travel with yoga

Physics acknowledges the possibility to move from one dimension of time to another. So do yoga and sanatan kriya, says Yogi Ashwani

The Vedic masters revealed that when we go near a heavy or grosser object — the one which is weightier — then the speed of time slows down. One might argue that the speed of the second hand of a watch remains the same irrespective of our location on earth and so time moves at a constant speed. However, recently scientist Stephen Hawking did a study on this and said that time-travel (which involves moving from one dimension of time to another) is possible and that is only because time is not the same everywhere. Somewhere time moves faster and somewhere else it moves slower. And this gap between slow and fast is determined by the speed of light. If you move with the speed of light, then in every half an hour, you will move one hour, which means that if you are travelling at that speed, then if half an hour has passed in your watch, one hour would have passed in the life of the other people. So if 12 hours have passed for you, then 24 hours would have passed for them and because of those 12 hours of time, a dimensional change has occurred within you.
Do you know that the satellites that orbit the Earth have a specialised programme which adjusts time every day for one third of a billionth of a second? They do that because time moves faster in space, if they do not, all our global positioning and time systems will become erroneous. If you go higher than where the satellites orbit the earth, then you gain time, and if you go near a black hole and orbit around it with the speed of light at a distance where you will not get sucked into it, then in every 16 minutes you will gain eight minutes, that means, while you would pass eight minutes, 16 minutes would have passed for others. So if you circle the black hole for five years and come back to earth, 10 years would have passed by then on earth, there would be a dimensional change in you and it would not be the same time as you had left. So time travel, Hawking says, is possible in this way. It is a dimensional change; the whole dimension changes.
All these things which physics tells us today were clearly laid down in our texts 18,000 to 20,000 years ago. You must have heard that a day in Brahmalok is equivalent to four Mahayugs on earth (a Mahayug comprises of Satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug and Kaliyug). And for Lord Vishnu, it is said that when he blinks once, then four Mahayugs pass by. This is what dimensional change is. There are recorded events in history, for example, the Mahabharata, where on many instances it is mentioned that when kings would visit the gods, upon returning they would find many centuries had passed away. Physics now acknowledges the fact that the more we go upwards towards the subtler layers, the faster the time moves. Our rishis thousands of years ago said that in the heavier and grosser dimensions, the speed of time will be slower and in the subtler dimensions, time will move faster. You must have observed in the company of yogis and subtler beings that time flies, while the presence of certain other beings makes hours seem like days. This is nothing but a difference of dimension between you, the one who is in yoga and the one who indulges in grosser activities.
Everything in creation is tied to time, depending on the dimension it is in. An insect’s entire life passes in 24 hours — it is born, it procreates and dies. The same is the case for a dog that passes in 13-15 years, and the life of the rishis of yesteryears of the spanned centuries. The rishis did not merely sit for 500 or 1,000 years, they transgressed into the subtler dimensions where time moves faster. And so while for them only 100 years would have passed, in Earth the same would be over thousand years. The key to longevity lies in accessing these subtler dimensions through yoga and sanatan kriya. As one does dhyan under the sanidhya of a guru, the five basic senses get stilled and as a result certain higher senses get activated (a human being has a total of 16 senses) through which one is able to perceive dimensions beyond the basic four dimensions (length, breadth, depth and time).
These dimensions are a subject of experience and not the intellect, one needs to do the austere practice of sanatan kriya to be able to experience and find out for oneself that these dimensions are for real.


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