At some point in life, most of us would have asked a question- "Is everything in life just a random play of events or is there a logic, a reason behind the things which are happening?" and most, if not all, would have dismissed it as a 'philosophical' debate and went on with more'practical' things in life. But i feel the only difference which makes something a philosophy and something 'practical' is its applicability. A philosophy which is applicable and gives tangible results becomes practical.Anyways, coming to the question is there really something which controls the events of ones life?
Well the answer is Yes! Everything is not that random just as it seems, After all it cant just be a random call as to why someone is born on the street not even knowing if s/he will get 2 meals a day where as another in an affluent family with all the luxuries right from childhood; why some are born with genetic diseases while others have near perfect health all their life,falling ill very seldom (though this is rare in our times but was certainly true a couple of generations back); why for some life is a struggle but for others reasonably smooth. What governs all these things is just one law- Law of karma. "Whatever one does, comes back to you." We might have heard this before a zillion times, but nobody believes it any longer and that's why nobody cares about their actions today.
When our ancestors had told us to do good to others it wasn't because it was a virtuous thing to do, or because they wanted others to appreciate as to how good they are, it was because they knew of the LAW - what you do to others, will bounce back on you sooner or later, in one form or another (this explains the contrasts i mentioned above), thats why start giving happiness to get happiness, start spending some money (whatever ones pocket allows) on feeding the poor, the animals and birds around us, help the needy, to become sound financially and for prosperity.
Our ancestors were not fools, they were intelligent beings, knowing all laws governing us. Dont believe them, dont believe me, test this law out for yourself for a fulfilling life.
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