Man,a being with unlimited desires and wishes.He tries every way possible to fulfill his desires and makes them come true.He makes many plans and proposals to complete them and when the desires get fulfilled he starts making plans to fulfill another one which he has ready for himself.and when we are not able to fulfill our desires,frustration and anger creeps in resulting to adding chaos in life.
Have we ever thought is this all we are?Do we depend on our desires to be happy or sad that once our desires are fulfilled we are happy and if they are not we are sad?Is it really important for all our desires to come true for our happiness?But then who are we?Have we made ourselves a mere toy in the hands of this world?
Yes.Today our happiness depends on the success of our plans and on approval of others.Today we need people to say that we are good to feel good.Where is the identity of a man lost?What ever a man desires shows his level of evolution and his state of mind.He might get wealth,health,,beauty,approval of others but is he going to take all this with him to his death bed..
The philosophy of life is very simple.You are what you think yourself to be.You get what you desire but happiness does not lie in living for oneself.Happiness is in living for others without any expectation in return.It is true joy when you do something for someone and expect nothing in return ,the joy of giving and the feeling that you have been chosen by the divine as a channel to change someone's life for better.
But how many people would actually look beyond themselves.Not many can leave the I(ego) and look beyond themselves.The reality is life beyond I is beautiful and worth living.Lets try to be humans.Lets try to look beyond ourselves and make a life worth living.
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