Often spirituality is confused with philosophy and because of this fundamental error one thinks that spirituality too is only talking big beautiful philosophy's with little practical utility, if any at all. But in reality, spirituality is not talking big or sounding nice or something which has no practical utility, rather it is something which makes us understand what we actually are and there by tells us what are the principles governing us and our lives.
We all come alone and go back alone. Such statements are often categorized as philosophy, metaphysics, etc etc. But if we examine such statements we will find that although they do sound philosophical but at the same time they are facts of our lives which we do not want to look at out of ignorance or our own set of notions. For instance, take any relationship however beautiful it may be, how-so-ever close you may be to a person but the fact is at some point in time that person will go away, either the relationship loses its warmth or if that is also there till the very end then because "we all come alone and go back alone." it has to end. Suddenly a person is 'unplugged' and in a single moment exits our presentt life forever, no matter how much we want we wont see the person again. Another common statement which again is of great significance to us is 'What you sow, so shall you reap'. This simply explains what is known as the 'Theory of Karma', but this is no theory, its a LAW and it governs our lives whether we accept it or not. Every action of ours will come back to us, the only variable is time. Most of us dont even think before hurting another being (be it an animal or human), but when this rebounds and hurts us in some way, it is then we ask "What did I do to deserve this?" Thus spirituality is a very practical subject, it not only addresses such fundamental truths of ours, it also gives us an opportunity to understand them and seek more than just what we can perceive.
We all come alone and go back alone. Such statements are often categorized as philosophy, metaphysics, etc etc. But if we examine such statements we will find that although they do sound philosophical but at the same time they are facts of our lives which we do not want to look at out of ignorance or our own set of notions. For instance, take any relationship however beautiful it may be, how-so-ever close you may be to a person but the fact is at some point in time that person will go away, either the relationship loses its warmth or if that is also there till the very end then because "we all come alone and go back alone." it has to end. Suddenly a person is 'unplugged' and in a single moment exits our presentt life forever, no matter how much we want we wont see the person again. Another common statement which again is of great significance to us is 'What you sow, so shall you reap'. This simply explains what is known as the 'Theory of Karma', but this is no theory, its a LAW and it governs our lives whether we accept it or not. Every action of ours will come back to us, the only variable is time. Most of us dont even think before hurting another being (be it an animal or human), but when this rebounds and hurts us in some way, it is then we ask "What did I do to deserve this?" Thus spirituality is a very practical subject, it not only addresses such fundamental truths of ours, it also gives us an opportunity to understand them and seek more than just what we can perceive.
To be spiritual one does not mean "giving up everything and going to the Himalayas" because that for a normal human being is escapism. The people who truly did renounce in the past (the stories we hear all the time) choose to take up that style of living not because they were quitters but because they achieved what they wanted to here and then moved on to access and achieve something more. Two glaring examples coming to my mind are Rishi Vishwamitra and Buddha (King Siddharth), both were kings. they had everything physical and so they moved on for something more.
Spirituality actually is doing and experiencing a particular thing and with each experience, under the sanidhya of a Guru, moving on to the next experience and there by understand something more...
Spirituality is no philosophy, its time we make use of its principles and start living life rather than passing it. Spirituality actually is doing and experiencing a particular thing and with each experience, under the sanidhya of a Guru, moving on to the next experience and there by understand something more...
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