"The purpose of life is simply to experience what you have desired. This desire could be anything- desire to have a particular sweet or desire to paint depending on the individual. So there is nothing wrong in experiencing whatever you desire, after all that’s what you are here for. But the problem comes when you get stuck in one desire. In Yog, we do not suppress any desire, we go beyond it. Your Guru makes you experience your desires but at the same time allows you to go over them. So while you are experiencing them simultaneously you are going beyond. A yogi can have any physical desire manifested by simply a thought but he does not do so because he has found a still higher pleasure. It is something like when you are given a better quality sweet then why would you go for something of lesser quality. Don’t forget that apart from the 5 senses there are subtler senses and higher worlds that can be accessed, but for that you need to begin Yog. Let me tell you with certainty, that any physical pleasure has a limited time period after which it will leave you. There are some who realise this and develop detachment by getting into yog whereas others realise only when time teaches them, but by then it is too late because the precious time has already passed. Time is ticking away continuously, it is for you to realise this fact and take that first step towards the path of yog, before maya fools you yet another time."-Yogi Ashwini
"The difference between meditation and dhyan is that between shoonya (this is not to be confused with shoonyata, here it refers literally to zero) and poorna . Dhyan is state of complete awareness-inside and outside- it is a Poorna state, whereas meditation is a big zero. In meditation what a person does is he/she thinks of a certain thing and therefore it is basically no better than day dreaming, where as in dhyan you are aware of everything .Swami Satyananand Paramhans (Bihar School of Yog) described meditation as a ‘moodh ’ state or a lower state. Now a days, the subject of yog and tantra have been totally misrepresented. I was watching a programme on a ‘spiritual’ channel and there I saw a very elderly woman sharing her thoughts on ‘spirituality’. So I thought let me listen into what she has to say. After her discourse she made the viewers do dhyan and sat herself in dhyan as well. When it was over, she came out with some sort of jerk in her body. Anybody who knows the st...
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