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Showing posts from May, 2012

What is the ultimate goal of life?

"The ultimate goal is very individualistic. For someone it may be not wanting anything, somebody just wants to make money, for someone else goal of life may be to have fun, party and enjoy life. So all of us depending on our state of evolution have a goal, every individual's needs and requirements are different depending on the level of evolution that's why each one looks different. So the goal of life is individualistic. That's why I say it is pointless to come to me if your goal is any of the 5 senses, don't come to me, nothing will happen. Come to me only if the goal of your life is over and above this, then I can take you somewhere."- Yogi Ashwini

Purpose Of Life

  "The purpose of life is simply to experience what you have desired. This desire could be anything- desire to have a particular sweet or desire to paint depending on the individual. So there is nothing wrong in experiencing whatever you desire, after all that’s what you are here for. But the problem comes when you get stuck in one desire. In Yog, we do not suppress any desire, we go beyond it. Your Guru makes you experience your desires but at the same time allows you to go over them. So while you are experiencing them simultaneously you are going beyond. A yogi can have any physical desire manifested by simply a thought but he does not do so because he has found a still higher pleasure. It is something like when you are given a better quality sweet then why would you go for something of lesser quality. Don’t forget that apart from the 5 senses there are subtler senses and higher worlds that can be accessed, but for that you need to begin Yog. Let me tell you with certainty, tha...

"Me first"

"When you were born, for the first half an hour, you were just one cell. Of the millions of sperms that are released by the male organ, all die save one. It is this sperm which fertilizes the egg. Ask the doctors how you get this body, they will tell you that the sperm merges with the egg and fertilization occurs. Then after a series of stages a cyst is formed that gets embedded in the uterus and further development takes place - placenta is formed, it gives way to an embryo and then after 9 months the baby is born. Ask them trace the life events of this baby, they'll tell you about development of reflexes, of growth, of education, marriage… Ask them what next? Weakening of cells, old age and finally death. So, out of the millions of sperms that were born, just one survived only to die a few decades later. The sperm that came first, the one that beat them all, even that perished eventually. This is the truth of life.  Our basic nature is like that sperm only, that ...