In our times "spirituality" has become a fad. This aint surprising one bit simply because such is the pace of life that one doesn't even finds the time to "live life". Infact, life for most has reduced to weekends. So in such a scenario a new business opportunity has presented itself and that is the " inner peace" business which involves various spiritual upliftment courses that bring your mind and body to perfect health and lots of other "benefits" (essentially a one stop solution to every problem that you have) And because there is demand for such "products" so the supply too is available in abundance.
Spirituality has always been the mainstay of our country. So many great beings (Kabir, Sri Raman Maharishi, Sri Ramakrishna... the list is endless!) have shown us what spirituality actually means, but did any of them put a fee to their teachings or did any of them ever had courses-beginners, advanced...?!!! Its time we put to ourselves the real question... if by spending money one could buy "spiritual upliftment" or peace or sound health.... then the millionaires and billionaires existing on this very planet would have got it before anyone else!
True spirituality is beyond what money can ever buy but for that you need to find a being (GURU) who is not running a business in the garb of spirituality rather s/he is giving (what he has) selflessly (just like the masters i mentioned above) and for that you dont have to go to some remote corner of the world... such beings still exist.... amongst us only.... Its just that what you seek is what you get!
"If you want to go and buy something from market you will get only a shopkeeper not a saint. Untill you search for your Guru with a feeling of surrender (samarpan bhaav) you will not find your Guru."
-Yogi Ashwini
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