"The more desires a person has, the more the thoughts come to him/her to fulfil those desires and thus the person keeps planning and scheming. Thought is also a source of prana because when the thought comes only then you act. Can you do anything without the thought of it coming first? First thought of aeroplane came and then aeroplane was manufactured. Similarly first thought of the atom bomb came and only then it was invented. Every single thing is preceded by its thought.
How would you have made these without the thought of making them?
And these thoughts go right up to the cellular level and thus desires get embedded in each and every cell of your body.There is a very interesting study on this,ie, Consciousness at the level of the cell. A person named William Sheridan went for a heart transplant and after the operation suddenly he started painting and sketching landscapes and wildlife. He was himself surprised to see this...So later research was done and it was found that the heart given to him belonged to a person who was an artist. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-381589/The-art-transplant.html)
So this shows us that the cellular memory is present inside every cell of your body. Any desire (which may be as trivial as the desire to lose weight) will be present in every cell of your body. These desires are the reason why you go round and round and round lifetime after lifetime and these desires only lead you to your downfall. Eg desire to lose weight makes you take medicines, go on a diet, become anorexic and ultimately become the cause of your own destruction.
Depending on your desires you catch thoughts from environment and that thought goes into every cell of your body and gets embedded in every cell. After this agni gives shakti to that thought so that the thought can be manifested on physical level. And ultimately this leads to ageing of cell (as explained above).That it why we say- You don’t consume food, the food consumes you. …..Your desires don’t satiate you, your desires consume you! Your desires, (eating, drinking, getting a big car or house or losing or gaining weight) whatever, howsoever small they may be, every moment takes you towards ageing. It is these desires which mislead you from your path or the truth because they make you work then. They form a veil over you and cloud your vision and as a result what you see is what your desires make you see!"
-Yogi Ashwini
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