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 The entire Creation is based on the principles of magnetism and attraction. We take birth to experience the myriad atractions or desires. In fact, evolution is nothing but experiencing a desire and moving beyond. 

    It is these desires or attractions that cause us to interact with the environment and our fellow beings and to develop relationships. The most basic level of interaction is based upon the desire for physical and worldly pleasures. The next thing that ties us to another being is sexual desire. Slightly higher is a connection based on the desire for power. Thus we enter an alliance in the expectation that a desire will be fulfilled, for something in return. 

    Love too is an attraction, it is however unconditional. Pure love is selfless; it demands nothing in return. Love is the characteristic property of the colour pink, its occurrence being as rare as the occurrence of pink in nature. Just 

look around, where does pink exist in nature? If you observe the sun at dawn or dusk for about 6–7 seconds, the sky turns pink. This much is enough for the sustenance of the earth. So you can well imagine the potency of pink, of love. 

    The interesting thing however is that the frequency of pink is most easily accessible to human beings. That is, human beings have been conditioned to easily connect with pink, with love. This microscopic pink possesses the magnanimous power to release the magic of love in the most adverse conditions. You can try it for yourself — to iron out folds in a relationship, to soothe tense situations, to dissipate all negativity. Just be aware of your anahat, the heart chakra. From here, direct a whitish pink light to bless any relationship, event or situation and experience how love casts its spell…


  1. Selfless love seems to the most sacred basis of all relationships but how many actually understand the true meaning of selfless love bcoz we all try to possess our loved ones like our priced possessions or to say d least, we all get dejected when our feelings are not reciprocated; perhaps we forget that loving ppl unconditionally is d only way to make this world a better place to live in.


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