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Showing posts from February, 2010


In the previous issue we discussed the matching of the Anahat charka which is the seat of selfless love and very rare these days. Though, it’s a rarity to find connections based on the basis of love today, even rarer are the connections established on the basis of creativity i.e. at the level of vishudhi chakra. This is the higher form of creativity, where people unite together when they have risen over their own selfish needs and now can think beyond themselves. Vedic philosophy is so huge and vast that it covers every aspect of nature, all levels of Creation. Based on the nature of the beings of various dimensions, marriages are categorised in five kinds. ‘Manav Vivah’ or the kinds of marriages we see today are the ones, which require a ceremony and are intended to last a lifetime. The concept of love marriage is not a modern concept; it used to happen earlier also and was called the ‘Gandharva Vivah’. Implying that if two people wish to get married without a ceremony, it is possible...


 The entire Creation is based on the principles of magnetism and attraction. We take birth to experience the myriad atractions or desires. In fact, evolution is nothing but experiencing a desire and moving beyond.      It is these desires or attractions that cause us to interact with the environment and our fellow beings and to develop relationships. The most basic level of interaction is based upon the desire for physical and worldly pleasures. The next thing that ties us to another being is sexual desire. Slightly higher is a connection based on the desire for power. Thus we enter an alliance in the expectation that a desire will be fulfilled, for something in return.      Love too is an attraction, it is however unconditional. Pure love is selfless; it demands nothing in return. Love is the characteristic property of the colour pink, its occurrence being as rare as the occurrence of pink in nature. Just  look around, where does pink exist in nature? If you observe the sun at dawn or...


Most often when people exercise their focus is rarely on strengthening the back or the spine; it is generally to look slim for women and muscular for men. It is commonly assumed that back aches and other spine related problems are part of life and are bound to happen to majority of the population in their thirties onwards. Things like sciatica pain have become common amongst the youngsters too. Back injuries are occurring in those who claim to follow a fitness regime and spend hours in the gym. Why? Because only yogic kriyas like Sanatan Kriya are able to strengthen the spine along with maintaining its flexibility as both the aspect of strength and flexibility is given due weightage in yog. For this purpose the muscular and the skeletal system are worked on simultaneously, as muscles are like ropes and chains that hold the skeletal upright in the physical form of a person. Here Yogi Aswhini gives a daily routine for strengthening the spine. The first two asans SARPASANA and ADVASANA ...