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How healthy are we ? Time for some reality check!

There is a famous saying "Health is Wealth”, and I still remember my father saying that to me almost everyday during my growing years. Over the few years I had forgotten about it completely and I know for a matter of fact that there are many travelling in the same boat. These days the only thing that comes to one's mind when we speak about health is being over/under weight...but is that it? I guess no because I have also witnessed people who go to gym daily , have good biceps and abs but if they are asked to sit cross legged with their back straights they are unable to do so. I am not judging anyone here; after all even I was no different until some time back. All I am trying to say is that isn't this kind of imbalance in the body an indication of one being unhealthy? Let us take some time off, close are eyes, stand straight and just lift one leg few inches above the ground and try to slowly rotate the ankle. how many rounds did we pass through? 1,2 or 3 ? This is a reality check for us as to know how much we are in balance. It is also said that a persons back is a clear indication of his age , more the back is slouching older the person is, so let us observe our backs in order to figure out how young we are? Now the question that comes to one's mind is that how to bring this body in balance and be healthy for real. If you would have noticed a true yogi closely you would have realised how different he is from the rest of the world...It is the true practice of Yog as a whole that keeps his body and mind in perfect balance and harmony with nature. Now days yoga has all of a sudden become a fashion and people have tailor made the true form of asans(which is just one limb of the 8 fold path of Patanjali's Ashtang yog )into a convenient & glamorous exercise like product and are selling it like hot cakes. It is important to know what a true yog is; it is one's union with him
( atamsakshatkar) and cannot be achieved without a Guru.. Per our ancient Guru Shishya parampara a guru would not charge anything from his pupils because a Guru’s purpose is to take us out of the clutches of Maya &, if he himself is stuck up in maya there is no way he’ll be able to show us the real path? The reason of sharing this with all of you is to create awareness that one should beware of people who have made yog a business. Rather look for a master who is beyond this materialistic world and is genuinely there to guide you to pass through the physical world and also prepares you for the real journey of evolution...once that happens there is no way that you would not achieve that perfect balance of body and mind, as a matter of fact one can transform his body to an exact shape and type he wishes to with the grace of the Guru and proper practice of yoga...A piece of advice to everyone : Do not try asans without an experts supervision as this is such a precise science that even an inch of wrong move can do one more harm than good !


  1. thanks tamanna... it is sad indeed that we need an indicator and alarm to care of our own-selves...its amzing how 'we' are our least interesting subject...most of us ignore issues of health and body till the time body starts revolting--be it in form of shapelessness, disease, weakness--but by then it is too late, the body has already aged...

  2. chandni your comment is indeed very thought provoking!.. but the thing which makes me even more sad is.... in these times when we have supposedly advanced in fields like medicine,science & technology etc. etc. there are only a very few 'people' who can really tell us how exactly one needs to care for one's body so that it remains in shape and disease free! what an irony!
    P.S.Here 'people' certainly does not refer to the gym trainers or researcher's or even doctors for that matter!

  3. That is so true Tulika...I think the prime reason for the same is that most of the methods used as of now to check one's body are limited to one aspect and not as a whole, for example the science will at the most talk about genes , mutations ( ofcourse along with the immunity system that is a much talked about topic aneway) etc and how the alterations can help getting perfect shape, similarly fitness trainer may talk about strict diet and straining those muscles, which may just give a virtual effect of being fit & could be a contradiction to the reality. The method that actually can be helpful is a method where as a totality every aspect of body, mind and soul is taken care of..It is rightly said that if you are not feeling good within, the outside would not be pretty for long! The only method that I am aware of as of now is practicing "yog".

  4. Thanks a lot to all of u for sharing wonderful thought.these r really an eye opener n a wake up call for all of us..its really a serious matter.What u have said about the back i m totally agree as i hav seen mostly people n even kids cant sit without giving ne support to back.wat u have said abt the GURU SHISHYA parampara that as per this GURU will charge nothing for their teaching but i hav seen that now these days so called YOGA teachers r teaching YOG as per demand & supply principle.They dont take the responsibility if u got damage to ur body during the practise.They r charging a gut fees for teaching.But THANKS to YOGI JI ,who is doing such a great job for all of us n awaring us about the true YOGA.Who is teaching YOGA as its purest form..THANKS to u also for sharing ur wonderful thoughts..

  5. This is actually a feast for our minds to ponder over the facts about our health.Fir stly, we are the culprits who spend all our time in accumulating wealth & then spend the same wealth in regaining our lost health,we must learn to consider our body as our own & not exploit it.Secondly, its doctors, whom we consider next to God, who are responsible for the deteriorated state of health in the society.They themselves are under so much stress to excell professionally that they get into the habit of supressing everything including deseases, they treat human body as a dummy to expeiment on & forget that every human body is unique n cant have computerised programmed solutions for all n sundry. Finally, Yoga is very much in vogue & considered as a status symbol now a days, it should be learnt ethically n performed with complete dedication under the supervision of a true Yog Guru.


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