The three most commonly used words, maybe in close competition with I Hate you, one generally follows the other, so we can't be very sure. but heck, to begin with how many of us understand what Love is? As a famous Calvin comic strip goes, is it just evolution kicking in to make sure that our species continue? Or is it something, which is above the relationship of give and take? What is it? Well, as usual too many questions and just one person to turn too. Asking the Guru himself. In the words of Yogi Ashwini ji - "In a human being, the anahad chakra, located at the center of the chest cavity, governs the need for love. There are very few, who with yogic practices like Sanatan Kriya or with karmas of previous lives are able to form connections at the level of anahad. The closest example of a connection made at this level would be the unconditional love of a mother towards her baby. Most adult relationships are limited to connections of the lower...