The vedic seers were one with nature. They had realized the sloka, aham brahmasmi, that is, I am brahma. It might appear to be an egoistic statement to some, but herein lay the gyan of creation. To realize this statement is what is evolution. To be brahma is to be one with everything in the creation. It is a state where everything in creation is a part of you – the cow who ha s been converted into a milk machine, the farmer who was duped into growing bt cotton and committed suicide, the dog who was run down by a lorry driver, the girl child who was denied the right to live, the vulture who fed on cattle infested with diclofenac, the inhabitants of Fukushima, the marine life at Gulf of Mexico that was choked by the oil spill, your next door neighbor who cannot sleep because you have a party at home and the future generations who will only see green earth in their history textbooks if we do not wake up soon. Evolution is not the morphing of a monkey into a man or talking big. As Yogi As...