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Showing posts from February, 2012

Young And Wise

Yogi Ashwini, in his book Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension, talks about how to stay young the natural way. Indian culture is nearly a million year old and it has much following in the western world, but sadly, our own youth is increasingly becoming disconnected with it. To turn the wheel around, Yogi Ashwini stresses that it’s time we reached out to our roots. “Try doing that and see the phenomenal effects,” he says. In Chandigarh for the book launch of Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension, Yogi Ashwini says, “When one looks around, it’s the mechanical, superficial life that hits one in the face. For youthful looks, people are undergoing laser as well as silicon implants that do the body more harm than good.” Yogi’s book brings the wisdom of the Vedas and the latest from the medical world together. Divided in 16 chapters, this book deals with the harmful effects of the present lifestyle and on how to tackle that. “The book has kriyas, one of them called Kaya Kalp Kriya, t...

The circle of life

YOGI ASHWINI The manifested Creation is based on certain laws which have governed it since its beginning. These laws rule us whether we approve of them or not. One of the main laws that binds us in our journey on this planet is the Law of Karma. It is not a mere coincidence that nearly every major religion of the world talks about karma. It cannot be a coincidence that all the great men of different religions saw this rule of Creation and gave it as a law. Karma is an unfailing law and the foundation of any yogic practice. Karma can be simply translated as “action”. Action doesn’t necessarily stand for a physical act; it can be a thought, too. In fact, every action in physical term is a thought before manifestation. The Law of Karma states, “What you sow, so shall you reap”. But does everyone believe in this law which says that everything we do comes back to us in some form? We know this, but somehow there is doubt when we actually begin to do things. This is the basic problem wi...

Being Selfish...

In today's times being selfish is the the way to be, it is a norm, as natural as breathing air. So much so that the word "selfless" sounds like Greek or Latin to most of us. As a result when one gets to hear about a selfless act, it sounds unbelievable and the first thought that comes in mind is "it must have a selfish hidden motive behind it." Infact, such is the state that the attitude of being selfish is encouraged in this "competitive" world of ours. If you are not selfish then how will you leave others will you progress.. is what our minds (and those of others around us) tells us. BUT the reality (like most of the times) is completely the opposite. Selfishness is not what makes you "successful" rather it is the root of all ones problems. Such is the level of ignorance(for the lack of any better word), we have forgotten the differentiation between what is good for us and what is not.... we have forgotten what is natural and ...


Heads of more than 190 countries have  countries are currently meeting  at Durban to discuss action to be taken on the climate change issue. What advice would you offer to governments and individuals on how to live in harmony with the environment? " The environment is nothing but a reflection of an individual at the micro level and the entire society at a macro level. What we think manifests. That is the principle behind the theory of collective     consciousness, which translated at the level of a normal man amounts to democracy ie voting for your favourite candidate, (environment in this case), the problem being here that we have voted for selfishness and are stiffing ourselves... so is the environment. There has been more pollution on the planet in the last 100 years than it has been in the last 4,000 years; the last 40 years have been worst. It's interesting to see that these last 100 years have witnessed: a] Industrial revolution, which amounts to pro...


Corruption is a global phenomenon. What is the best way to tackle it a) officially and b) individually? "Corruption has been prevalent all over the world since time immemorial. Where there is power there would be an urge to misuse it for personal gains, this power can be spiritual or physical. It's easy     to impose laws and stringent punishments, but the human urge for greed would take out novel ways to escape and bypass. A perfect example of this is the Moghul rule, which imposed cruel punishments like beheading and cutting off hands... but we find maximum cases of corruption and treachery during that period. Imprisoning of Shah Jahan being a glaring example. In a democracy like ours where we cannot even think of such punishments, where it takes 15-20 years in the court of law to deliver justice, how can we expect to scare people to be honest. The only way to contain corruption is to educate the world on the basic laws which govern Creation, primary being the Law o...