Yogi Ashwini, in his book Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension, talks about how to stay young the natural way. Indian culture is nearly a million year old and it has much following in the western world, but sadly, our own youth is increasingly becoming disconnected with it. To turn the wheel around, Yogi Ashwini stresses that it’s time we reached out to our roots. “Try doing that and see the phenomenal effects,” he says. In Chandigarh for the book launch of Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension, Yogi Ashwini says, “When one looks around, it’s the mechanical, superficial life that hits one in the face. For youthful looks, people are undergoing laser as well as silicon implants that do the body more harm than good.” Yogi’s book brings the wisdom of the Vedas and the latest from the medical world together. Divided in 16 chapters, this book deals with the harmful effects of the present lifestyle and on how to tackle that. “The book has kriyas, one of them called Kaya Kalp Kriya, t...