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Who made me think ?

Funny feeling it is when all of a sudden we would lose ourselves in the world of thoughts and find ourselves wasting precious joules of energy getting angry, jealous, happy, sad, sometimes naughty in our dream world. Ever wondered why we think, where we get these thoughts? Do all people get the same thoughts?

Well, I decided to do some research and google my thoughts.

 Remember a time when researching meant bugging your grand mum with not so comfortable questions. But technology has advanced and everything we need is just a click away. Cool isn’t it? Even though our original google is just a call away. 

Anyway I was told that “ I was feeling lucky today” so I continued.

Some links that I browsed said that these were because some neurons were fired while others directed me to some fancy brain maps ! All seemed to explain what happens when I think, but none why I think what I think.
Not satisfied with the answers modern science was throwing at me, I decided to expand the scope of my “re-search”. 

One very clear memory of all the conversations I had with my grand mum was that she would quote the Vedas for a lot of answers. So seeking guidance from someone who knew this science, I read an article written by Yogi Ashwini ji. In his own words “First and foremost understand that a person catches thoughts from outside. Thoughts are not created within; they are simply caught by us. In fact everything comes from outside, there is nothing that is created within the body. Different chakras in the body catch different types of thoughts or in other words, the type of thought will determine from where it is caught. Eg thoughts of creativity will be caught from vishuddhi chakra, sexual thoughts from swadhisthan chakra etc and from these energy centres the thought is then sent to the agya chakra and from there it is acted out by the body. The seed of thought lies in your desires and desires differ from individual to individual. In fact, no two people have same desires. Whatever desires you have, that chakra will be activated and those thoughts will be caught by you.”

It seems as if all the answer we need are already there and we are looping in mindless circles trying to come up with fancier solutions. What modern scientist say is a mystery, was not so much to our vedic seers! It was common knowledge to them !

In just one paragraph all the answers were there, and it explained every doubt, which I had! Why do we think, what makes us think, do you think what I think? 

But wait !! what does this mean?
My thoughts are not mine, who made me think then? If it is not I, from where did the thought of writing this blog come? 

Too tired to think now, and this text editor of mine tells me that I have used the word ”I” 17 times in this article. Bugger!


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